Electrical CAD Services

Electrical CAD

 Electrical CAD services in Delhi
Printed Circuit Board with many electrical components.

Electrical CAD Services

CAD software is used to create and modify both diagrams and layouts, including both 2D and 3D, to design, assess and document electrical Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) . An Electrical CADD software automates all design tasks and facilitate drafting productivity. Engineers can create electrical schematic, control circuit diagrams, and documentation using an industry-specific electrical soft tool. Over the years, the design has developed from simple drawings by hand to complex and systematic drawings made with the use of several instruments and further to electrical CAD or computer-aided design.

Precise and accurate electrical documentation is essential to the proper running of any business. Electrical engineers have come to know Electrical CAD drawing as the fastest and easiest way to create circuit diagrams implementation documentation. It is important to note that even in today’s highly technology-savvy world and even in the biggest of organizations across the globe, documentation still exists primarily in the form of paper. Electrical documentation can prevent the destruction or degradation of original paper drawings, ensuring the longevity of the information.
A team of people located in different locations can upload Electrical CAD Drawings onto the internet, share them with people from other continents, and immediately make necessary changes when required.

Electrical CAD
Electrical cad
The advantages of Electrical CAD as opposed to the original paper documentation are significant, and the use of CAD software in electrical design and shop drawings is an important step in a technologically advancing world. As with any advancement in technology, features are an essential part of making the product sensible to convert to. 

Some of the more well-known yet essential functions of Electrical CAD include an automatic updating of the various part lists and connection lists, support of electrical standards in every design, support of mounting corrective drawing, easy copying into and in between projects, automatic generation of cable and terminal plans as well as the ability to create and send ordering files automatically. My Design Minds is a team of professionally trained and dedicated engineers.

We provide a comprehensive range of Electrical CAD Drafting services to electrical engineering designers, Electrical product manufacturers, original product manufacturers, and electrical contractors globally to meet their custom requirements. 

ECAD software provides some combination of the following capabilities. 


Engineers use it to define the electronic components and the signals that connect them. They select components from a centrally controlled, company-standardized library. Layout capabilities provide a means to create the PCB’s outline and dimensionally place components within its boundaries. These capabilities can be utilized in either 2D or 3D models.

The list of electronic components used in the diagram is carried over to the layout, where it almost becomes a to-do list for placement. Trace Routing capabilities allow engineers to define the path the trace follows in a specific layer of the PCB between electronic components. This can be done in 2D or 3D, with switching between the layers of the PCB. The signals from the diagram, which embody from-to information between components, are carried over into the layout, which defines where each component is placed on the PCB. Automation capabilities, which automatically routes traces from components to components based on interconnect information, is available. This can be done initially and then customized

3D Assembly capabilities provide a way to create a 3D model of the PCB. These models are often used to check for interference within an enclosure as well as checking for managing the dissipation of heat from the electronic components on the PCB. Collaboration capabilities deliver tools to capture and 
coordinate feedback between individuals on a team developing the routed system. Viewing capabilities provide the ability to visualize the design of the routed system. This is important for non-technical roles that do not have the skills or knowledge to use the RSD software directly. 

Markup capabilities allow individuals to capture their feedback in the context of the design of the routed system. Multi-Board design capabilities provide the capabilities to diagram and layout multiple PCBs that work together as a single system. IC and PCB Co-Design capabilities offer a means to assimilate Integrated Circuits (ICs) processors into the PCB, optimizing how traces connect to compact footprints. Concurrent Design capabilities enable multiple team members to work simultaneously on the same PCB or multi-board PCB design. 

Rule or Constraint Checking capabilities automatically compares the design of a PCB against industry or company rules, highlighting violations or issues that can affect the performance or manufacturability of the PCB.  Manufacturing Export capabilities provide the ability to generate ECAM deliverables, which can then be used to manufacture the layers of the PCB.

Bill of Material (BOM) 

capabilities automatically generates the list of electrical components for the PCB. Related Technology Enablers ECAD software can produce many different deliverables, which can be managed by Product Data Management(PDM) software. ECAD software often interchange designs with Mechanical Computer-aided Design (MCAD) software to generate a 3D model of the PCB.

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Our team of engineers is adept at producing general schematic drawings which constitute each circuit element.

PCB Design

We have experienced engineers that provide top-notch, error-free PCB design from the initial iteration.

PV Solar Panel Drafting

My Design Minds is a leading supplier of solar panel layout solutions and provides you several reasons to work together with us.

Electrical Layout Design

My Design Minds provides services that boast of improved productivity, unmatched quality and best services overall.

Flow Charts Design

We are also open to interactions and for making changes even after the design is complete.

Control Panel Instrumentation Design

We are so popular across the country, that people looking for a designer to outsource unanimously choose us.

Cable/harness Drawings

My Design Minds have experts in designing anything and everything. Designing is a multi-field task.

Ladder Logic Drawings

Most top engineering-based firms in India outsource the process of designing to firms like My Design Minds.



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