How design thinking can help you achieve your business goals – Once Albert Einstein mentioned, ” Creativity is intelligence having fun.” And he has been right. Because modern problems require a modern solution that could be solved only with creativity. Design thinking is simply a refined terminology for creative thinking. This plays a vital role in almost all businesses. The requirements of consumers keep changing and the company has to keep devising new solutions to meet their standards. Design thinking is not just about business. It is a preliminary requirement for all art forms, literature and so on. So how does design thinking work?
Design thinking is a repetitive process. Improvisation is essential in any business. When a consumer faces difficulty in any of your product, upgrading it is a must. It makes sure your customer is satisfied. This refurbishment might also fetch your new customers. The cycle of design thinking involves five stages.
The next step is to formulate a solution for all these issues. Ideate all possible solution for the issues that your consumers are currently facing. Formulating ideas is a key step in design thinking. Once you formulate the right idea, then the next steps are relatively simple. The designer must use all of their creativity in the ideation step. Once ideation is done, the designer has to design a prototype. A prototype is a small scale, experimental representation of the formulated idea. You can test the prototype and look for customer reviews to check if changes made are appropriate. If you find positive reviews, then you can proceed further. Just in case you find further hitches with the developed prototype, then you need to make corresponding alterations to avoid errors in the final product.
The last thing that you need to do is, test it in the market. Check if the products are working better than the previous version. It doesn’t stop here. The cycle of improving products goes on and on. Firms usually take up one issue at a time and solve it. Design thinking is essential to take your business to the next stage. This has positive impacts on your business in two different ways.
One, the efforts you take to improve, makes your product more preferable in the market. In this way, it makes sure you perform better than your competitors. Second, manufacturing updated products keep your brand on top in the market.
What to focus on while designing?

While designing any product, you must consider a few things. The product should be elegant and easy to use. A user-friendly product is preferred by consumers. This is because gadgets in the first place were created just to simplify human life. Elegant and simple looking products are also more preferred by consumers. Organise frequent surveys on how your product is performing in the market. In case you identify a fall in sales, check for the innovations your competitive manufacturer has put in. Design thinking is a time-consuming process. One has to pay attention to the minute details, to design a better product.
Pros of design thinking

Design thinking performs better than the regular business strategy, as it works form the user’s end to improve the product. The consumer decides the changes required, thus making the product more user-friendly.
Design thinking is all about creativity. During the ideation step, the company can look for various suggestions from its employees. These ideas can be pooled together to give better results. This improves the company and also kindles the creativity of its employees.
Creativity is just thinking about new ideas, while innovation is doing it. The simplest innovation is an integrated circuit that is making human lives simple today. The first computer was so huge, that it required a gigantic room to fit in. But the innovations in integrated circuits has made it possible to perform similar activities on a smartphone, that could fit in our palms. Innovation is what keeps the world going on. And this innovation is the basis of design thinking.
Cons of design thinking
How design thinking can help you achieve your business goals – The already existing pattern of work is what the employees are used to. Introducing design thinking suddenly might be difficult for the employees to adapt to.
One major disadvantage of design thinking is that it requires direct comments from the end-users. Only the right criticisms can help improve the product better. Most consumers don’t give out true comments on the product. A few others just consider the feedback session a waste of time. This makes it difficult for the firm to identify errors and rectify the same.
Design thinking projects usually work from medium to long term. This is somewhere in between 7 and 8 months. You can design a shorter version of these projects just to brainstorm and create ideas. But implementing this requires time and hence is considered difficult.
To conclude with, design thinking is simply referred by most people as “Out of the box thinking.” It helps the firm to peer deeper into the problems associated with the product. Design thinking, unlike the regular scientific approach, is an iterative process. It involves the co-operation of both, the employee and the end-user. Frequent questioning and updating of knowledge are the basis of design thinking. Just like a creative artist or writer, it involves bringing in unique solutions to the problems stated by users. Though there are disadvantages associated, design thinking is taking us to the next level of simplifying human life.