Benefits of Design thinking approach for all design services

Benefits of Design thinking approach for all design services, Even with advanced gadgets in our hands, we still face a lot of issues. And these problems require “out-of-the-box” thinking. This out of the box thinking is what is re termed as design thinking. Design thinking is a solution-based approach. Design thinking approach requires creativity and imagination. The solutions also have to be practically possible and feasible to make it work.

Where did this approach originate?

Design thinking approach that was initially followed by architects, engineers and businessmen. However, in today’s world, design thinking approach applies to all fields. The primary focus in the design thinking approach is to meet the needs of the end-user. The innovations are based only on the user’s requirement. The two major approaches followed are solution-based and problem-based. Solution-based approaches focus mainly on constructive solutions to tackle problems. On the other hand, problem-based approaches tend to fix issues but with limitations.

The Four-basic principles of design thinking

1.Design it for users

The ultimate goal of the design thinking approach is to solve issues faced by users. Every change you design, every innovation you make needs to have beneficial effects for users. Make sure you design products that are easy to use and also beneficial at the same time.

2. Keep experimenting

The first step in creativity is experimenting. When you have dozens of ideas planned, only a few of them are executable. Experiment with new ideas and innovation from paper to prototype. These experiments can help you identify the pros and cons of the designed product. Direct redesigning towards the desired outcomes. You need to provide frequent updations based on consumer’s feedback.

3. It is okay to be ambiguous

Ambiguity occurs almost everywhere and is inevitable. Try to avoid ambiguity as much as possible while creating. several cycles of the design thinking approach can help in eliminating ambiguity.

4. Formulating tangible ideas

Creativity has no bounds. You can formulate as many ideas a possible using your creativity. However, only one-tenth of these ideas is practically possible. Making tangible and practically possible ideas is also an important aspect of design thinking.

The five major steps in the design thinking process are, empathising, defining, ideating, prototype development and testing. These steps occur every time in design thinking. The critical steps here are empathising, which involves data collection in terms of feedback from consumers. One another critical step is prototype development. A prototype is a small scale version of the actual product. This is where you can still make changes and improve the product further.

The entire process of design thinking is a loop. Though it looks like a simple and linear process, the process of design thinking is flexible. For instance, if you notice any hitches in the prototype stage you can go back and make changes and proceed further.

Benefits of design thinking

Benefits of Design thinking approach for all design services- The primary advantage of design thinking is that it kindles your creativity. We regularly solve problems using the knowledge gained from the past. This prior knowledge usually narrows down our ability to think. This lets us think only within the boundaries of existing knowledge. Design thinking helps you think away from this linear track. It opens new opportunities where you can use your creativity to solve human problems. These creative solutions perform better than the regular tried and tested methods. Its high time we incorporate design thinking in our day to day life, to give unique and better solutions to the problems we face.

It lets you venture new areas and pathways. The simplest example of design thinking is the packing of consumer goods. Multinational companies like PepsiCo and Procter and Gamble have unique product packaging ideas. This has helped them improve their sales in the market. One another example is digital teaching modes in schools. Smart classes and advanced teaching devices have taken regular school education to the next level.

Design thinking also ensures higher revenue and returns for the firm. As the products are designed to meet the human requirement, there is an increased level of sales. Statistically, design thinking fetches 32 per cent more revenue and 56 per cent higher returns. In simple terms, the Return on Investment from design thinking is very high.

The benefits of design thinking are countless. But there are quite a few disadvantages of this as well. Since it is user-centred frequent interactions with end-users is highly essential. This can be in the form of surveys or feedback forms. Accurate results from end-users have an impact on this process. Hence the data has to be reliable and trustworthy. It is difficult to integrate design thinking into an already functioning system. this might leave the working team in confusion. If one can eliminate all these hitches and incorporate design thinking in regular functioning, then the results would help the firm in its development. Creativity inspires and helps you create better products, that benefits both the users and also profits the innovators.

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